"southern california bight mbon publications"

Satellite sensor requirements for monitoring essential biodiversity variables of coastal ecosystems

The worth of giants: The consumptive and non-consumptive use value of the giant sea bass ( textitStereolepis gigas )

Behavior of singing fin whales Balaenoptera physalus tracked acoustically offshore of Southern California

Giant kelp, textitMacrocystis pyrifera , increases faunal diversity through physical engineering

Foundation species define the ecosystems they live in, but ecologists have often characterized dominant plants as foundational without supporting evidence. Giant kelp has long been considered a marine foundation species due to its complex structure …

Phytoplankton Pigment Communities Can be Modeled Using Unique Relationships With Spectral Absorption Signatures in a Dynamic Coastal Environment: MODELING PIGMENT COMMUNITIES

Regional patterns of physiological condition determine giant kelp net primary production dynamics: Physiology and production of giant kelp

Scale-specific drivers of kelp forest communities

The contribution of species-genetic diversity correlations to the understanding of community assembly rules

Extreme warming challenges sentinel status of kelp forests as indicators of climate change